Dog friendly
We welcome up to four dogs. Sorry, no other pets. There is an enclosed exercise field and Nuthatch and Woodpecker have enclosed gardens but we do not guarantee any enclosure as escape proof!
There are endless opportunities for lovely and varied walks with your dog from your cottage or in the local area. Delightful footpaths run from Lea Hill itself. One leads down steps towards the panoramic views of Hill Common and on through Yarty Copse – heavy with the perfume of a bluebell carpet in Spring.
If you like to run your dog on the beach, there are several with unlimited access but its fair to say that most only allow dogs only on parts of the beach in the peak season. You can find out which Devon beaches allow dogs here.
If you wish to holiday with your dog at Lea Hill, please ensure that you are happy to agree to our "doggy ettiquette" which forms part of our terms and conditions.